Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day and My Farewell Talk

(from left to right) Emee, me, my aunt, grandma, and the BEST MOM IN THE WHOLE WORLD! (aka my mom)
Happy Mother's Day!!! I feel so lucky to be surrounded by such amazing examples!  May 13 is approaching quickly! Today was my farewell talk- here it is!
Good Morning Brothers and Sisters. Thank you to the primary for that beautiful musical number! You all did such a great job, especially the pianist! (my mom is the primary pianist) For those of you who don’t know me, I am Madeleine Wallis. I attended Cherry Creek High school here in Denver, and I just completed my freshman year at BYU. This past winter, however, I actually did a study abroad program in Spain, and it was there that I decided to serve a mission, completed my papers, and opened my mission call. I have been called to the Georgia Atlanta North Mission, Spanish speaking. In honor of Mothers day, I would like to share a brief experience/thought with you. I did not grow up in this ward, so there is a select few of you here today who knew me when I was little. I would like to explain to you that as a child, and sometimes today, I was extremely logical. For those of you who are familiar with the “Color Code” personality test, I scored 29 out of 45 red. I was a straight shooter, and really my brain just functions off of facts. No nonsense. So when my mom would say really nice things to me like, “You’re the best daughter in the whole wide world!” I would argue that that was impossible because every female in the world was a daughter, so there was no way I could be the best. Internally, something did tell me that the best response to this was, “You’re the best mom in the world,” but my logical side would get the best of me and I refused to ever say that because I thought that logically, with the number of mothers in the world, it was impossible that I received the best one. However, after 19 years and 7 months and 20 days of having Elizabeth Wallis as my mother, I would like to admit to all of you that she is indeed, “The Best Mother in the Whole wide world.” And more than that, I fell so lucky to have the best grandmothers in the world here with me today. Happy Mother’s day. J
            Today I have been asked to speak on “How my mother prepared me for a mission.” This has been a difficult task, because as I just mentioned, I have the best mother in the world, so narrowing everything she did for me into a 15 minute talk is quite the task. 
            As I’ve prepared this talk it has become apparent to me, however, that there was never just “One” thing that my mother did for me that has brought me to this point. Although I could say that her letting me live in Spain for a semester and then to wander around Europe for 2 weeks with a friend was probably the best preparation I could have, immersing myself in different cultures, food, and languages, A mission would not have even been on my mind had my mother not put for the work and effort required to raise me in a happy gospel centered home, where not only was the spirit present, but also gospel principals and doctrine were taught regularly. As Cheryl A. Esplin, the Second Counselor in the Primary General Presidency stated, “Strong eternal families and Spirit-filled homes do not just happen. They take great effort, they take time, and they take each member of the family doing his or her part. Every home is different, but every home where even one individual seeks for truth can make a difference.” There was never one family home evening lesson, or one discussion that changed my life. It was the constant effort to have daily family scripture study and weekly family home evening, paired with her example in the gospel, and her bearing her testimony to me regularly that made home a heaven on earth (like the Hymn) for me.
            In fact, in the first lesson of Preach my gospel, under “The Gospel Blesses Families,” It states: The home is the best place to teach, learn, and apply principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ. A home established on gospel principles will be a place of refuge and safety. It will be a place where the Spirit of the Lord can abide, blessing family members with peace, joy, and happiness.”
            I know that this is true without a doubt. Growing up, I attended 2 elementary schools and 3 middle schools, moving us here right before high school. Constantly changing friends, and teachers, and teaching styles, and cultures was not easy for me and I really struggled at times. However, no matter where we lived, or what school I was going to, I knew that I had home as a refuge and a safe place, where I could feel loved and would be taught the truth. Bonnie L. Oscarson, the Yong Women General President, stated this past conference that “Our homes should be places where the Spirit of the Lord is felt in rich abundance and where the scriptures and the gospel are studied, taught, and lived. What a difference it would make in the world if all people would see themselves as makers of righteous homes. Let us defend the home as a place which is second only to the temple in holiness.” I feel so blessed to have been raised in a “Holy Home”- I know it has made a difference in my world. 
            Ever since I was could read, I can remember my family making an effort to read The Book of Mormon after dinner. And after we’d read, then we’d be quizzed! And if we didn’t pass the quiz, you had to read again! But then my parents would take the time to explain the principles taught in what we had read that day.  I can remember my mother always emphasizing, “Inasmuch as ye shall keep the commandments of God, ye shall prosper in the Land; and inasmuch as ye will not keep the commandments of God, ye shall be cut off from His presence.” As I grew older, and faced more mature trials and temptations, any time I felt like giving up, any time I felt like giving in, My mother’s voice would remind me, “Inasmuch as ye shall keep the commandments of God, ye shall prosper in the Land; and inasmuch as ye will not keep the commandments of God, ye shall be cut off from His presence.” 
Now, over the years I will be honest and say that my entire family does not sit down for dinner every night and that everyone is present for family scripture study. We, my brothers, and me all grew up and became very busy in sports, and music, and homework. However, even when I was a senior, about to be graduating, I had really finished all of my extracurriculars so I could be home more often, when it was just me and my parents, they still pulled out The Book of Mormon, and read a chapter.  It is that kind of consistency that testified to me of the importance of consistent scripture study. On my mother’s night stand, I know I can always find her scriptures and a copy of the Ensign. She truly, walks the talk.
Additionally, her example really established our home to be a missionary home. My mother has the biggest heart of anyone I know. In San Antonio, we were the first house on our street. So I can actually remember my mom always keeping homemade dinners and cookies in our freezer so that she was ready to bring a hot meal to anyone who moved into the neighborhood. In Dallas, I remember her befriending a mom of one of James’ friends, who was a devout Christian, but not a member, and they would often discuss the gospel. In fact, after she’d had the first discussion, my mother took the liberty to send her the Ensign, and this friend LOVED it.  Additionally, my mother has always been happy and willing to help us bring friends to church. My mother taught me to never be ashamed of who I am as a Mormon. (and I know she got this from her dad, who is sitting in the congregation!) As members, we often want to try to camouflage ourselves and hide the fact that we are Mormon. However, my mother taught me to be aware of this, and to not hide it. As a kindergartener, I gave the Book of Mormon to a friend, who then gave it back to me, saying his mom would not let him read this book. My mother then taught me that rejection is inevitable, but the important thing is that I did it. I put the Book of Mormon out there. My mother was always willing to discuss the gospel with me, and bear her testimony to me. She would correct me when I was out of line, but she was always lifting me up and commending me when I did something right.  
            As I have been preparing not only for this talk, but also to leave on a mission, I have been reminded of the 2000 stripling warriors. The 200 stripling warriors are young men who were willing to fight for the protection and liberty of their families and community when their fathers could not because they had made a previous promise to Heavenly Father to never fight again. In Alma 56:47-48 it reads, “Now they never had fought, yet they did not fear death; and they did think more upon the liberty of their fathers than they did upon their lives; yea, they had been taught by their mothers, that if they did not doubt, God would deliver them. And they rehearsed unto [Helaman] the words of their mothers, saying: We do not doubt our mothers knew it.”
            Brothers and Sisters, I do not doubt my mother knows it. She knows this gospel is true, she knows the Book of Mormon is true, knows Jesus Christ is our Savior and He lives. 
I did not take the “easy road” in deciding to serve a mission. As I’m sure many of you remember, and have asked me about it, last Christmas, when I was here, I was not going to serve a mission. After one week of living in Spain, I finally decided to serve, and I felt a great urgency to complete my papers as soon as possible. This required a great effort of collaboration from my parents, my director, and church leaders. It would have been much easier to say, “let’s wait until you’re home in April, then you can easily do everything here, in a non-sketchy manor, in English…” However, my parents chose to support me, and for that I am grateful, because I really did not have time to wait. My mother had to fax me important documents so I could fill out my papers, and she never doubted me in my abilities as I had to go on a physician hunt throughout Madrid to fill out my medical forms, and complete my interviews in my Madrid Ward and Stake. I also would like to thank my Dad, for helping me get my records transferred quickly, and to my director, Brad Wilcox, for taking the time to help me complete my papers and interviews. My mother continued to show her support through great enthusiasm and positivity. Her excitement makes me excited; and really helps me know that I can handle a mission. 
            While I have strongly emphasized my mother’s role in helping me in the gospel today, I would like to make it known to you that I am not about to embark on a mission solely because my mother has a testimony. I also have to thank my seminary teachers, Sunday school teachers, young women’s leaders, as well as everyone here who helped me gain my own testimony. I too know this gospel is true, I know the Book of Mormon is true, I know Joseph Smith is a prophet of God and I feel so blessed to have this knowledge in my life.  Because I have been given so much, I of course want to do everything I can to give back to Heavenly Father. In Mosiah 2:17 it reads, “When ye are in the service of your fellow being, ye are only in the service of your Lord.” There are many different ways to serve, and serving a mission is not necessary to do so.  However, as a missionary, I am so excited because I will get to devote 100% of my time to serving others by inviting them to feel the sweet Spirit, which will testify to them the truthfulness of this gospel. To me, there is nothing better that I could be doing to serve the Lord. The spirit is so important to me and my life. I know how important it is and how much joy living with the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost can bring; I wish everyone to have the gift of the Holy Ghost. I know that each of us are children of God, who loves us unconditionally, and that because of the atonement, we can turn to Him no matter what happens in our lives. No matter what we have done, He is waiting for us with open arms. I know that He loves us so much that He sent His only begotten son, Jesus Christ, to die for us so that we may return to live with Him one day. I know that in the Garden of Gethsemane, Christ not only felt the pains of our sins, but every single pain that we experience. He knows each of us and has felt the pains of every singe trial we experience whether they were self-inflicted or not, He knows our sorrows and is waiting for us to use His atonement so that we can return to live with Him again. Jesus Christ is my Savior, my Redeemer, and my best friend. I cannot wait to bring this life changing information to others and invite them to experience the same sweet relation ship I have with my Savior. 
            I know that the Book of Mormon is true. Reading it every day has changed my life for the better. I cannot wait to invite others to do the same so that they can experience the same sweet spirit reading the Book of Mormon has brought to my life. 
            I know that Joseph Smith is a true prophet and that he restored the true gospel of Jesus Christ on this earth. I know that Thomas S. Monson is a prophet of God. 
            I am so feel so blessed to know all of these things- my heart is already overflowing with love for the people I will serve. I am going to miss everyone, but I know that Georgia Atlanta North is where Heavenly Father wants and needs me. I am so excited.
Now I don't know what they say in Atlanta, but in Spain it is never Adios, or good bye, but only Hasta luego- See you soon. 
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.