Dear Family,
So I guess the really big news is that my family is moving back to San
Antonio, Texas. Well. I was shocked.
I'm so happy dad got the job with Google! Congratulations!
Definitely a little bit nervous because, well.. You know me. I like to
have an idea of how everything is going to play out and I had an idea
of how everything was going to play out (as far as going home) but now
I have no idea. You'll have to take a lot of pictures for me when
you're down there so I know what it's going to be like (or at least
have an idea). Don't worry, I'm still here in Georgia until December.
Over here, I'm moving too! Just up the street to the Cumorah branch.
Same stake. Same zone. It will be fun.
This week was kind of crazy and way fun. When visiting a less active,
she quickly opened her door for us and told us that she had read on the
Internet that when the missionaries knock on your door, you should let
them in because they leave their parents and food. So she let us in.
She then went on about how beautiful my companion is and told me that
I will learn a lot from her. Like how to do my hair and makeup. (In my
defense it was at the end of the day and everything had kind of melted
off...) She then told me I should wear my hair in a bun and she did
the same!
Last night when visiting a new investigator we asked him why he
invited us in, he said he did because he recognized us as daughters of
God, so he has complete confidence in us. That was amazing. Our
calling is amazing. It is so wonderful to bring others to Jesus Christ
everyday! Sometimes people disappoint and sometimes it's hard, but the
Lord's way is always better than our way. I know it!
I love and miss you!
Hermana Wallis
Texas; me and the less active with the same hair!; waiting for my
companion to get out of the car. I wore the mustache the whole way
and she didn't notice lol. Tracting; me and Sister Greenman