This week was fun. We had zone meeting on Tuesday and afterwards I
went with Sister Gonzalez in Cumorah for the night. We just tracked
and talked with everyone- which is one of my favorite things to do. We
just meet so many people and it's neat to share with all of them about
our Savior, Jesus Christ. There was one lady, who only knew enough
English to tell us she didn't speak English, but creole. So we said we
were representatives of Jesus Christ and gave her a card anyway. She
was so excited. "Jesus!" We told her she could change the Language on
the website. "I go! I go!" Sister Greenman and I have had a lot of fun
since going out of our way to talk with everyone. We even pull over
when we just see someone walking. Some people have run away from us...
They just don't know what they're missing. Our message is THAT
We were excited this week because Jesus's sister came to church. We
aren't sure why Jesus didn't come. We are going to try to figure that
one out tonight...
The weather has been nicer. More sunshine. The outside is friendlier.
I love spring, mainly because my favorite Holiday is coming : EASTER!
Aleluya! It is so wonderful to share the message of our Savior with
all of Heavenly Father's children. (Even if they run away from us) I
know that Jesus Christ lives and because He lives we will all live
again and we can return to our Heavenly Father. He is the source of
all peace and joy.
I love and miss you!
Hermana Wallis
I ❤️ Georgia!