This week was pretty good. On Wednesday we had a sister's conference.
All the sisters in the mission met and President and Sister Bennion
spoke with us as well as some of the sister training leaders.
My favorite activity was the personality activity. First, there's two
groups. Formal and informal. Formal are people who can't live with
messes; informal are people who can. Then there's Dominant and easy
I wound up in the group called the controllers. (RED) It was pretty
funny because I was there with Sister Hanks. We had already formed a
circle before they told each group to make a circle. lol Then we
talked about our strengths (we get things done! Were disciplined!
We're independent!) and then our weakness' and the whole group went
silent. Ok y'all. One sister just kept on saying "pride" between every
comment. Lol We started listing weaknesses like: bossy, high
expectations, self critical, stubborn, impatient. The funny thing to
me was that our strengths and weaknesses were pretty much the same,
just had 2 different ways of saying them. Then we talked about pet
peeves. Me and another Spanish sister, Sister Gonzalez, and sister
Hanks, started feeling like "hmmmm maybe we are more promoters and not
so much controllers.... All the groups then shared what we talked
about and the promoters were spontaneous and in that group were
sisters who were happy and in my brain I was just
thinking, " I don't think I'm as formal as I thought I was... My mom
always had to tell me to clean my room... And I think I've changed."
It's been funny though to joke about it like we joke about the color
personalities. And I think it's always good to understand more about
how people think so you can get along better. Unfortunately however
when they asked the supporters what they thought they could do to get
along better with the controllers, they said "we could do what they
say...." No! We have to be nicer than that! Lol
Another thing sister Bennion talked about was "straightening your
crown". When life gets tough, just "straighten your crown" (i.e. Fix
your hair and makeup, put on some lipgloss and smile, and move forward
in some really good shoes. At least, that's what it made me think
of...) just moving forward with the understanding that we are
daughters of God, and He trusts us!
It was really great because the next day at zone conference, the
sisters were much bolder and willing to speak up more. Sister Greenman
said that she felt like the elders responded as if they've been
waiting for us to speak up!
We've had fun working with less actives. The triplets dad is no longer
on date- he was traveling... But he still wants to be baptized! We are
also teaching this other woman and her four daughters, and her
brother, Jesus. The little girls love us so much! One, who's 5, always
gives us some sort of Mexican junk food before we leave lol. And she's
begged her mom to come to church "with the hermanas". Their family in
Mexico are all members, so we think good things are coming.
This morning all the sisters in the zone studied together, and we all
shared our testimonies of Jesus Christ. I am so grateful for a Savior.
I know He lives and that it's because of His restored gospel we can
have complete access to His Atonement in our lives. We don't have to
miss out on any part of His gospel because it is restored. I am so
grateful to be apart of this work.
I love and miss you!
Hermana Wallis