Dear family,
Thank you family members Dan & Kevin Thorstenson and Gloria Jones who has uploaded so many pictures on the family history ap! We started using family history in contacting, and it's been really neat to show people how I was able to find pictures of my family members. So thank you This has helped eliminate the confusion with many people thinking I am from Brazil and hopefully softening hearts with the spirit of Elijah. So far we've only creeped out a handful of people. (After role playing and practicing a bit more that stopped being a problem.
But it has been really cool. I know I'm probably going to sound like a Former Scrooge (but that's what repentance is for right?) but really on my mission I have realized just how important family is! I honestly had no idea how much I actually loved my family until reality checked in about a year ago and I had to board a plane with the knowledge that I was going to leave them for 18 months and have minimal contact in that time. (I refused to fly by myself because just the thought of it already had me homesick). Primero Dios, y luego la familia!
This Tuesday they were having an immigration activity for the adults so we came for finding purposes, and the youth were working on family history. Someone had brought their daughter so we were helping her get just feel comfortable with the young women, so I pulled up my family history. On the ap. Which is super easy. And it's cool because there's pictures! And it made me so happy to see pictures of my family!
I think I'm starting to get it. (Hermana Solis is starting to make fun of me because whenever someone says they're not interested, I've just started talking about family history. I think the spirit of elija includes contacting people with it too lol)
Today we had transfer calls. And Hermana Solis is leaving me. Which is so sad. I love her so much. I know I have said much about her, but she's amazing. And we've gotten really close.
But Hermana Ray is coming! And she'll be a sister training leader with me! Which will be super nice and helpful.
I love Cumorah so much. I love this gospel and the privilege to share it. I know that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world and that HE LIVES! 2 Nephi 25:26 And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins."
Primero Dios y luego la familia!
Love always,
Hermana Wallis