Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Week 32, Norcross, GA- Spanish Speaking

 Talking to my family on Christmas.
 The dinner calendar we made.
 By the Creek...
 Best Christmas lights in the neighborhood.
Making Tamales
Dear Family,
What a wonderful time of year this is when we celebrate the birth of
our Savior and are blessed to approach a new year. A new year, which
can mean clean slates and new resolutions. How perfect as we celebrate
the birth of He who made such repentance, or change possible?
I wanted to share the story of a resolution that has not only changed,
but blessed my life immensely.
Exactly one year ago, I made a resolution to choose love. Behind
everything we do, there is a driving force. It comes down to either
Love or Fear. For example we can chose to be obedient out of fear of
what others think of us, or we can chose to be obedient out of love
for the Lord. John 14:15. When we chose fear, we ultimately grow
depressed and miserable because we have lost the meaning in life. 1
Corinthians 13: 1-3 However, when we chose love, we grow in happiness
and joy. John 15:10-11.
Well a year ago, I decided to chose love. I was and am in no way
perfect, but it has been amazing to see where this decision has taken
me. It took me to Spain, where I was able to explore an amazing
country, and was ultimately led to my decision to serve the Lord. The
prompting came strong and prominently. I needed to serve NOW. I
completed my papers in February, opened my call March 14, returned
home April 15, and entered the MTC May 13. That was a whirlwind. In
the meantime love continued to guide me as I traveled to 8 different
countries and did what I could to prepare myself to serve the Lord.
I am convinced however, that all one needs to serve is Humility and
complete trust in the Lord.
The Lord has promised to qualify those He calls, and I can testify
that He does.
In the MTC I continued to learn, and even stumble in my quest to
"Chose Love". A MTC teacher pulled me aside and challenged me to "Dare
to Love Completely." (He said he read it on a chocolate dove wrapper.
How perfect! Lol) He said "dare" because it implies that there is a
risk, but rewards would be worth it.
When I arrived on my mission, I was almost immediately exposed to
those risks. Just 2 weeks into my mission, my trainer and best friend
was ETed. I could have chosen to be mad and wallow in murmuring, but
thankfully I chose to continue to love and became best friends with my
new companions.
As I have continued in this quest this year, I have made another
discovery. Really "to chose love" meant "to chose God". 1 John 4: 7-9.
This week we had a wonderful Christmas. There was a tornado warning,
and definitely some rough patches, but as I have contemplated on the
peace that comes at is time from truly taking the time to honor the
Savior, I am so grateful for how the Lord has blessed me. I am so
grateful for this privilege to serve HIM, with the hope and faith that
what I'm doing each day is helping someone to maybe feel a piece of
the love and happiness that His restored gospel brings. On Christmas
Eve, we visited a family of investigators. We shared a video of the
first presidency's testimony of our Savior and gave them "The Living
Christ". We then bore our testimonies of the Savior. They were amazed
by the reverence in which we referred to Him, our Lord and King. One
even said, "Wow. That is definitely something I would like to have in
my life". We promised him he would as he continued to study the
scriptures, and keep the commandments. I testify that we are children
of a Loving Heavenly Father, who loves us so much that He sent is son,
Jesus Christ. He was born of humble circumstances and lived a humble,
perfect life. Yet he suffered everything for us. He died for us. I
testify that He rose the third day, and that He continues to live. He
lives to grant us peace, joy and happiness. I know that as we continue
with patience, that  the blessings come. Mosiah 2:41
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! May This time be FULL of Peace and Joy!
Love always,

Hermana Wallis