So, I am being transferred! I am moving to the Northcross branch in Roswell.
I don't know my address yet... I will see how I can get that to you...
I am really sad to be leaving Sister Kafu and Sister Castleton. I love
them so much.
Sister Kafu and Sister Castleton are staying together as a trio with
Sister Kafu's trainee.
The best part about this transfer I think was really that we all had
our hearts focused on the Lord. We all worked hard together to be
exactly obedient, and we saw so many miracles because of at. This week
we finally met the Standard of Excellence! We had 3 lessons with a
member present, 2 investigators at church, one investigator on date
for baptism and 3 new investigators!
It was a great way to end a transfer.
I have loved this area so much! I don't want it to end! It has
gone by so fast. I can't believe it!
This will be a good thing though. School starts again today. Last
Saturday we went on campus to go contacting, and it was so weird.
There were all of these sorority and fraternity recruiters and a few
tried to recruit me... "Uh... I'm actually a missionary... Can I
recruit you to the restored gospel of Jesus Christ?!"
It's interesting how this past weekend I feel like we've found new
investigators I feel like they aren't meant for me to teach or that I
feel like my place isn't on campus anymore.
I have no idea what's coming next transfer. And it terrifies me. I
have been so nervous, just because I didn't think I would know anyone
in the zone!
But I found out that Sister Robinson will be in my zone and Elder
Santos is going to be in my branch! So I will have friends!
I am so happy as a missionary! Honestly! I can't remember when
I've been happier!!!
I know that it's only through living the Lord's will that we can be
truly happy. When Sister Stenquist was emergency transferred,
President Bennion told me "The Lord knows you can handle adversity at
this time. Romans 8:28"
I have learned to love that scripture. I was reading it a lot this
morning, because I really don't want to leave my companions.
I decided to just memorize Romans 8:28. "And we
know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to
them that are called according to His purpose."
The Lord knows what He's doing. I just pray that I will love my future
companion and district just as much as I've loved my companions here.
I pray that I will be just as happy, if not even happier and that I
will still have fun.
I love being a missionary. Nothing could make me happier than doing
the Lord's work right now. It's so neat to be a missionary. He is in
charge of everything when you're a missionary. He's in charge of who's
your companion, what area you're in, everything. As you completely
rely on Him and are specific in your prayers, (such as praying, "we
will be at this place at this time..." Etc) every person you come in
contact with, you just know the Lord placed them there for you!
Because you've relied on Him to make your plans!
Life as a missionary really is amazing because of that. I love it!
I love and miss you all as well! I pray for you! I pray that you have
a wonderful first week at school! And I am so proud of you and your
camping adventures!
Hermana Wallis